Friday 31 May 2024

Top Bathing Accessories for a Self Care Night

Many of us are working more than one job, we have children, we’re holding down the family home, we’re trying to socialise, we’re trying to stay fit, we’re trying to work on ourselves. It can all seem a bit much right? Which one do you feed more than others? How do you prioritise all of them?
Top Bathing Accessories for a Self Care Night
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What did we miss off that list? Self care. With being so busy and hectic all the time, we often overlook the importance of checking in with ourselves and making sure other specific needs are being met. An indulgent self care bath routine with the very best bathing accessories can act as a reset, resulting in us feeling more energised and de-bloody-stressed.

Why Do We Need Self Care Nights?

Selfcare, many moons ago, got a bit of a bad rep for being a guilty pleasure, it was seen as self indulgent. However, we’re pleased to report this is a thing of the past! Self-care is actually a very important part of living a healthy, happy lifestyle. Looking after yourself both mentally and physically is crucial to functioning at your best.

Self care doesn’t have to involve a huge time commitment, if this is something that was holding you back. Take a bath routine for example, no more than 1 hour, a few candles, some music or a show, maybe a drink, and your favourite bathing accessories. You’ve got yourself the ultimate reset there!

Bathing accessories can be used time and time again, they are an investment in yourself. Some self care activities will come at a bit of an expense, however, purchasing, for instance a luxurious bath sponge, will see it serving you for years.

Bathing Accessories To Add To Your Routine
Bathing accessories can aid your skincare routine, provide massaging qualities, act as a relaxant, actually the possibilities are endless. Boost your self-care routine with these bath accessories that will help relax and de-stress you with every bath time!

Bath Sponge
A bath sponge is a great bathing accessory because it helps exfoliate the skin, removes dead skin cells, and improves circulation. It produces a rich lather, enhances the distribution of soap, and reaches difficult areas for a thorough clean. Additionally, bath sponges can provide a soothing, massaging effect, making the bathing experience more relaxing and enjoyable.

Bath Pouf
A bath pouf is a great bathing accessory because it effectively exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and leaving the skin smooth and refreshed. It produces a rich lather with a small amount of soap or body wash, ensuring even distribution and a thorough clean. Bath poufs are also gentle on the skin, making them suitable for all skin types, and their soft texture provides a pleasant, massaging effect during use, enhancing the overall bathing experience.

Exfoliating Gloves
Exfoliating gloves are excellent bathing accessories because they provide effective exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and promoting smoother, healthier skin. They enhance blood circulation through gentle scrubbing, which can leave the skin looking more radiant. These gloves are easy to use, fit snugly on the hands, and allow for precise control, ensuring thorough cleaning of all body areas. Additionally, they can help improve the absorption of skincare products applied after bathing, making your skincare routine more effective.

A loofah is a great bathing accessory because it offers excellent exfoliation, helping to remove dead skin cells and leaving the skin smooth and revitalised. It creates a rich lather with a small amount of soap or body wash, ensuring an efficient and enjoyable cleansing experience. The natural texture of a loofah provides gentle scrubbing, which can improve blood circulation and promote healthier-looking skin. Additionally, loofahs can reach difficult areas, ensuring a thorough clean, and are environmentally friendly when made from natural fibres.

Self Care Tips To Make The Most of Your Bathing Accessories and Time

Designate a special place for your bathing accessories, maybe keep them on a self purely dedicated to you, or fill a drawer with separators and label them by use.

Create a bathing accessories inventory, you will constantly see new products you wish to purchase, keep a log of the ones that are maybe past their best and look to replace them ahead of your next self care night.

Make your bath time a non negotiable, whether you live on your own, with a partner, maybe your parents, ensure this is a time you are able to solely prioritise you and your bathing accessories.

If you want to invest in any of the bathing accessories mentioned above or explore even more, head over to Soinvogue. With their list of essential bath accessories, you’re well on your way of instilling the value of self-care in even the smallest and simplest of acts.

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Thursday 30 May 2024

Tattoo Removal: How To Get Rid Of Permanent Make-up

One of the many pleasures of beauty and make-up products is the fun we can have trying out different looks. Yet with the recent popularity of permanent make-up, many people are finding out that some of those experiments are not so easy to change.

This is fine if you're delighted with your results and you don't ever want a different aesthetic. But what if you've dabbled with tattooed lip liner or eyebrows, for example, and you're wishing you could reverse or change it?

Tattoo Removal Tech To The Rescue

There's good news for anyone who is no longer enamoured with their permanent makeup. Developments in the tattoo removal industry mean that it's now easier than ever to have permanent ink erased from the skin.

The latest technology and techniques in the industry have risen to meet the increased demand for permanent make-up removal. So, now it can be quick, painless and affordable to have any unwanted facial ink procedures removed or reversed.

If this might be the solution you've been looking for, here are some answers to common questions about permanent make-up and what's possible with the latest tattoo removal technology.

Permanent Make-up Removal FAQS

Can laser treatments remove permanent makeup?

Yes, the latest tattoo removal lasers are suitable for removing permanent make-up. They are also highly effective and capable of truly impressive results. Innovations in laser technology mean that the new equipment is gentle enough to be used on sensitive areas, such as facial skin. This means they are a perfect solution for any unwanted eyebrow tattoos, hairline enhancements, or permanent lip liners etc. The new lasers are safe to use on the face and are much kinder to the skin than the old types of tattoo removal lasers.

What types of permanent makeup can be removed?

Some of the most popular permanent make-up choices that are being reversed using laser tattoo removal technology include;

• Permanent Eyebrow enhancements, such as eyebrow tattoos, microblading, eyebrow microshading and ombre eyebrows, also called powder brows.

• Permanent Lip Makeup, such as lip blushing tints, lip tattoos and permanent lip liner.

• Face and scalp procedures such as hairline microblading, scalp micropigmentation and freckle tattoos.

These are some of the most common requirements but if you have any permanent make-up not listed here, there's still a good chance that the top clinics will be able to reverse the procedure and remove the pigmentation. If the work is tattoo-based, it's likely that tattoo removal experts will be able to help you revert back to your natural look.

How soon can permanent make-up be removed?

The experts at NAAMA tattoo removal clinic - one of the leaders in the industry - share this advice about timescales for removal procedures; “You can come to NAAMA for permanent makeup removal as early as six weeks after it’s done.” This is great news if you're keen to make changes as quickly as possible, though they do advise that it's essential your skin is fully healed before beginning tattoo removal treatments. The best way to find out what's possible for you is to book a free consultation where an experienced professional will be able to give you the right advice for your requirements.

How long does permanent make-up removal take?

The timescales involved in more general tattoo removal have improved dramatically in recent years, and this applies to reversing permanent make-up procedures. The use of modern lasers that are kinder to skin, especially in sensitive areas such as the face, means that less recovery time is required. As a result, sessions can be carried out much more frequently, because the skin hasn't needed as long to heal fully. This means that the entire treatment schedule can be completed much more quickly, and you can get back the more natural look that you prefer within a period of just a few months.

Who are the best permanent make-up removal clinics?

Thankfully there are an increasing number of excellent clinics offering rapid, effective and painless permanent makeup removal treatments. Many of these also offer flexible payment plans to make this solution even more accessible to a wide range of people.

The best way to find the top provider near you is to do an online search and then check out the feedback and testimonials on an independent review site. There will usually be an array of Before & After photos that will also help you to see the kind of results you can expect. Then all you need to do is book a free consultation, and look forward to making those unwanted make-up choices less permanent.

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