Sunday 5 July 2015

Keeping Your Cool

With the heatwave we currently have, trying to keep cool and not melt is something I am sure we are all trying to do.  Whether it is using a fan, drinking ice cold drinks or even taking cool showers, we all do what we can to keep cool. 

Anyone who reads my blog will know that the mister and I have three cats affectionately known as the 'fur-kids' and in this weather keeping them cool is paramount.

Keeping your cool
Keeping your Cool
Keeping your Cool

Cats are really intelligent, and on a recent visit to the vet with Dexter, thank god for pet insurance, as he had a higher than normal temperature, he had a major operation recently so I have to keep my eye on him.  As a pet cannot tell you when they are ill, it is always advisable to seek advice from an expert.  My vet re-assured me that cats can stay cool on their own but you can help them by giving them the proper resources, so here are some of my tips:

  • Ensure that they have a comfortable bed in a shaded area.  We have cat kennels which have no windows, just an entrance for my boys to get in and out.  Inside there are fleece blankets for them to lay on.
  • If your cat will tolerate it and mine do after constant attempts, wipe them down with a cooled cloth, not one wringing wet with water as they won't like it, but something cool and allow them to lie on it around the home.  
  • In hot weather like this, I tend to put some frozen peas under the blankets to cool them down. Cats love the coolness of the blankets to keep their temperature down.  Around the house, putting ice cubes inside toys and covering them with catnip always sparks their interest and encourages them to touch it and play.
  • I always ensure there are two bowls of fresh water. One bowl is fresh from the tap and I put a few ice cubes in it to keep it cool for a while and the other is from the freezer which I put in every night so that the water thaws throughout the day.  It is important to ensure there is enough water for your cats all day long.
  • Brushing your cat daily works to allow the air to move freely through their fur, whilst also removing loose fur due to malting.  

If at any time you don't think your cat or indeed any pet is being themselves, ensure you take them straight to the vet, like humans, cats can suffer from heat stroke and sunburn. 

What do you do to keep your pet cool in weather like this?

*Collaboration, all words my own.

Saturday 4 July 2015

4 Ways to Revamp Your Beauty Routine

Do you feel like your beauty routine just isn’t working for you? If you need a beauty revamp to help get you back on track for the new season, try these four tips to have your skin feeling better than ever in no time.

Eat better

We all know that healthy skin starts from within, so make sure you focus on eating a wholesome, balanced diet with foods rich in vitamins to give your skin the best foundation layer possible. Carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, green tea, coconut oil and dark chocolate are all known to have additional bonuses for your beauty routine because they contain extra nutritional benefits, including anti-aging vitamin C. For great skin, it also important that you drink lots of water—at least two litres a day—because water will help flush out any toxins in your body, increase your fluid levels and replenish water in your cells. Eating well and drinking lots of water will help clear up your skin and also make you feel more energised throughout the day.

Use organic and eco-friendly skincare products

Wherever possible, opt for natural, organic and eco-friendly skincare, makeup and body products. Choose products that contain natural ingredients rather than the harmful chemicals and toxins in generic, supermarket products. As an added bonus, natural, organic and eco-friendly beauty products are much safer for the environment and their packaging is also more likely to be recyclable and ethically sourced. Next time your current products run out and you go to replace them, sample some new eco-friendly brands to find a more natural solution. 

Remove your makeup

One of the best things you can do to have clearer skin is to remove all of your makeup at night and apply an overnight treatment before you go to bed. Get yourself into a routine where you remove all makeup, cleanse and tone your face and then apply a vitamin E moisturiser and a spot of face oil. Block out 10 minutes every night to complete these three steps, and you will notice improvements to your skin and complexion in no time. 

Consider cosmetic surgery
If you want to make a more permanent change to your beauty routine and revamp your look, you may wish to consider cosmetic surgery to enhance your natural features. Whether you are interested in a small procedure such as a minimal invasive facelift or a more major procedure such as a full facelift or rhinoplasty, it is important that you seek professional advice before you make a decision. If you are considering surgery or enhancements, always look to specialists in the field, such as Cosmetic Surgery For Women .

Revamping your beauty routine can be as easy as changing your diet and switching to organic skincare products, or you can choose from a range of cosmetic procedures. As cliché as it sounds, beauty comes from within, so start by nourishing your skin from the inside out; look after your body to help your skin, face and hair shine. And always choose whatever makes you feel the most confident version of yourself.

*Guest post
Everything written here is done so by the blog owner and it may appear elsewhere.
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