The six words that I have been waiting for most of my adult life – ‘The end to shaving and waxing’. One task I simply hate doing is shaving my legs. It is a necessary evil as far as I am concerned and I do it because the alternative is wrong on so many levels. I hate waxing, I cannot and will not wait for the hair on my legs to be long enough to justify the need for it, it is painful, not always 100% effective and costly… shaving is in my opinion just as bad and it can be so expensive by the time you have worked out how much everything costs.

For more information on this product please look at this link HERE and it can also be purchased from Boots by clicking HERE. For a 250ml bottle it will only cost £29.99.
I applied the serum to my legs this morning and will do the same tonight and so on. As you apply to your legs, there is a cooling sensation which is really quite nice and now a few hours after applying, my skin is soft and smooth to the touch. After a few weeks of using this product I will report back with a new post, I hope this works, I am tired of being a shave slave (love that slogan).
So anything that I can do to make the whole process cheaper, manageable and stress free, count me in!
Imagine my joy when an email arrives in my inbox to tell me that a product called Inhibitif has been launched nationwide and would I like a sample. What is Inhibitif? Well in short Inhibitif is a breakthrough hair inhibitor that minimizes the need for shaving, waxing and other forms of hair removal in under 8 weeks, thus reducing the look of unwanted hair, unsightly stubbles and ingrown hair. According to Tom Heinar who is the Cosmetic Science Advisor at DECIEM, the brand umbrella behind INHIBITIF,
“INHIBITIF targets the hair follicle directly to slow down the apparent growth rate and density of unwanted hair; as a result, many hairs seem to never grow while using INHIBITIF, and many hairs seem to grow to a lesser degree. This action on hair cycle reduces the apparent amount of hairs and impairs overall hair quality, thus drastically minimising the need for hair removal in weeks”.
How good does this product sound? Well as I have a bottle in my hands right now, I am going to put it to the test. You are told to Apply evenly on shaved or waxed body areas twice per day for 2 months or until body hair appears nearly invisible. Then reduce application to 3 times per week to maintain results. Then you should see initial results within 2 weeks and then within 2 months hair should appear finer and finer until the hair removal routine becomes easier and less in frequency. However, I must point out that it is not a depilatory and it is totally pain free.
Just to re-cap, Inhibitif
- Targets unwanted hair in 3 distinct proven ways
- Minimizes the need for hair removal in under 8 weeks
- Reduces the long-term cost of hair removal dramatically
- Is pain-free, risk-free, fast, easy and cost-effective
- Is effective on all skin types, skin colours and hair colours
The serum in the bottle is the colour of apple juice and the bottle itself, is made of glass and has a spritzing applicator to help dispense the serum and I was surprised to find that it actually smells quite menthol and minty, not of the chemical aromas you get with hair removing cream, which is what I was expecting, so that in itself is a relief.

For more information on this product please look at this link HERE and it can also be purchased from Boots by clicking HERE. For a 250ml bottle it will only cost £29.99.
I applied the serum to my legs this morning and will do the same tonight and so on. As you apply to your legs, there is a cooling sensation which is really quite nice and now a few hours after applying, my skin is soft and smooth to the touch. After a few weeks of using this product I will report back with a new post, I hope this works, I am tired of being a shave slave (love that slogan).
Do you think you would use this product?
Do you think it will work?